E3ZM-B ile şeffaf malzemeleri algılamak artık daha kolay! Kompakt paslanmaz çelik muhafaza içinde yer alan şeffaf nesne algılama sensörü, E3ZM-B ailesindeki genel modellerle birlikte, PET şişelerin algılanması için özel olarak tasarlanmış yüksek stabilite sağlayan modelleri de içermektedir. İkili kırılma ve AC³ güç kontrol teknolojisi sayesinde, PET şişelerin istikrarlı bir şekilde algılanması mümkün hale gelmiştir. Ayrıca, deterjana dayanıklı kompakt SUS316L muhafaza, ürünün uzun süreli kullanımını garanti eder. E3ZM-B ile şeffaf malzemeleri hassas ve güvenilir bir şekilde algılamak için hemen tercihinizi yapın!
E3ZM-B61 2M; Photoelectric sensor, rectangular housing, stainless steel, red LED, retro-reflective, transparent object, 500 mm, with teach-button, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
E3ZM-B61 5M; Photoelectric sensor, rectangular housing, stainless steel, red LED, retro-reflective, transparent object, 500 mm, with teach-button, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 5 m cable
E3ZM-B61-C 2M; Photoelectric sensor, rectangular housing, stainless steel, red LED, retro-reflective, transparent object, 500 mm, with teach-button, reflector E39-RP1 included, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
E3ZM-B61-C 5M; Photoelectric sensor, rectangular housing, stainless steel, red LED, retro-reflective, transparent object, 500 mm, with teach-button, reflector E39-RP1 included, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 5 m cable
E3ZM-B61T 2M; Photoelectric sensor, rectangular housing, stainless steel, red LED, retro-reflective, transparent object, 500 mm, with potentiometer, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
E3ZM-B61T 5M; Photoelectric sensor, rectangular housing, stainless steel, red LED, retro-reflective, transparent object, 500 mm, with potentiometer, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 5 m cable
E3ZM-B66; Photoelectric sensor, rectangular housing, stainless steel, red LED, retro-reflective, transparent object, 500 mm, with teach-button, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M8 4-pin connector
E3ZM-B66-C; Photoelectric sensor, rectangular housing, stainless steel, red LED, retro-reflective, transparent object, 500 mm, with teach-button, reflector E39-RP1 included, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M8 4-pin connector
E3ZM-B66T; Photoelectric sensor, rectangular housing, stainless steel, red LED, retro-reflective, transparent object, 500 mm, with potentiometer, NPN, Light-ON/Dark-ON, M8 4-pin connector
E3ZM-B81 2M; Photoelectric sensor, rectangular housing, stainless steel, red LED, retro-reflective, transparent object, 500 mm, with teach-button, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable
E3ZM-B81 5M; Photoelectric sensor, rectangular housing, stainless steel, red LED, retro-reflective, transparent object, 500 mm, with teach-button, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 5 m cable
E3ZM-B81-C 2M; Photoelectric sensor, rectangular housing, stainless steel, red LED, retro-reflective, transparent object, 500 mm, with teach-button, reflector E39-RP1 included, PNP, Light-ON/Dark-ON, 2 m cable